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Family Owned & Operated


Foothills Pest Solutions vehicles

Foothills Pest Solutions vehicles

Our Mission Statement

Foothills Pest Solutions LLC serves a wide range of customers; homeowners, property renters, small business owners to mention a few with general pest concerns either at home or in the workplace. As a homeowner and local business owner, we understand the importance of service, commitment, and addressing the customer’s concerns and needs.

All products are state-approved and registered with the EPA, all insecticides and rodenticides are professionally applied in consistence with labeling. Our primary concern is to resolve pest and rodent issues for your home and workplace.

Foothills Pest Solutions LLC does not require signing a service contract.
Our professional team takes pride in our professional services with customer satisfaction. A thorough inspection and treatment for pest activity and the ability to educate and communicate with customers we feel is of the utmost importance in addressing possible pest concerns and resolving pest issues. Scheduling and notification of appointments prior to servicing.

Contact Us to Schedule a Service Today